Fun Sports incursions for preschoolers! Tony Genovese (B Ed) presents Fun Sports sessions at many child care centres and early learning centres. At last, fun activities for keeping fit. Exercise and fitness sessions. Truly interactive play. In fact a range of diverse sports. Most importantly lots of FUN!
These sessions are currently run at three different Green Leaves Early Learning Centres on a fortnightly basis. On the other week they have a Music and Movement Program. A load of fun and interactive learning activities. Indeed a wide variety of outstanding educational sessions. Specifically learning to work with different instructions. Adjacent to integrating children as they begin transitioning to other groups within their Centre.
Lessons are timetabled so that they occur on different days. Consequently the programs are able to reach all children. There are five individual sessions for the children who attend Green Leaves Early Learning Centre Mawson Lakes. Furthermore there are four sessions for the rooms at Green Leaves Early Learning Centre Seaford Heights. Finally at Green Leaves Early Learning Centre Seaford House there are another four sessions. Additionally a brand new Centre is opening soon at Green Leaves Early Learning Centre Valley View.
Of course children love to learn. In fact they love role models. First they watch sport on television. Second they see their heroes. Third it inspires them. Next they imitate them. Then they yearn to be like them. Truly they want to meet them in person. Namely see them in action. Of course this is not always possible. Fun Sports helps make this happen. Tony brings all the equipment and know how. Currently Tony also runs sessions at Kidz Club Modbury on Wednesdays and Thursdays on a weekly basis.
Fun Sports for preschool children with Tony Genovese
Young children indeed love to move. Earlier on they roll and crawl. Then they balance and walk. Afterwards there is joy in running and jumping. Trying to keep them still for too long is a challenge. On the whole, learning happens through play and movement. Their physical development allows them to discover new modes of movement. For example climbing trees. Even hopping over obstacles.
There are many ways to enjoy fun sports. Namely simple activities. Firstly Tony teaches fun games. Secondly children move about and play. Thirdly they use real equipment. They learn by doing. Next they develop knowledge of different sports. Then skills are learnt. Finally fitness is improved. Real life long learning skills.
Fun Sports includes athletics. For instance running and jumping. There are hopping and skipping tasks. So too balance and throwing bean bags. Also batons to handle and pass on. Additionally basketball and netball is taught. Important handling and rolling. Touch and feel. Using all of our five senses. In addition bouncing and catching. Furthermore learning to aim at a target. Using hoops is loads of fun! Moreover having fun with friends. Hence learning to share and take turns.
Indeed using our feet is so much fun. Handling balls of different size and shape. For example round balls for dribbling. Important passing and kicking activities. Meanwhile learning about soccer and football. Again aiming for a target. Also fun games such as cone monster. Of course, oval shaped balls can move in so many directions. So, lots of chasing activities. Therefore hand eye coordination is developed.
Children learn by using real equipment from many different Sports!
Further more striking with a bat makes for important learning. First handling and gripping different equipment. On the one hand a paddle bat. On the other hand a cricket bat. Afterwards a tee-ball bat. Of course all sized appropriately. Indeed all child safe and soft materials. Consequently lots of coordination practice. Accordingly, timing and balance activities. All within a fun and safe learning environment.
Indeed children will develop their gross motor skills. Additionally they will grow in confidence. Furthermore their self-esteem will flourish. In addition they will improve their listening skills. Being active changes the brain to improve memory. Importantly fun sports helps reduce the risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease. Moreover discipline and social awareness grow. Equally young children will learn fair play and respect for others. As well, values of teamwork and co-operation.
Fun Sports helps promote a healthier and more active lifestyle!
Fun Sports incursions have many mental health benefits. They provides regular physical activity which increases self-esteem. Also reducing stress and anxiety. Evidence suggests that physically active children are more likely to mature into physically active adults. In conclusion children learn the benefits of maintaining an active lifestyle. To sum up, Fun Sports gets children being more active and healthier! To book email Tony at or telephone 0401 332 176.