What’s on for kids these July School Holidays? The weather may be colder. There’s still heaps of things you can do. Library shows to attend. Museums to visit. Let Cool 4 Kids give you some ideas. It is fifty years since man first landed on the moon. To help mark this special anniversary come and see the Space Spectacular Show! On Monday 8th of July, shows were held in Morgan and at the Mannum Leisure Centre.
The Port Adelaide Enfield Libraries will also be holding Space Spectacular Shows these July school holidays. On Tuesday 9th of July visit the Parks Library from 2pm. Next you can see the Show at The Port Adelaide Library on Wednesday 10th of July at 2pm. There will be a 2:00 pm show on Tuesday 16th of July at The Enfield Library. Lastly a show will be held at The Para Hills Library on Tuesday 16th of July in the morning at 10:00 am.
School Holiday Activities include SAND ART and MUSIC CONCERTS
Cool 4 Kids will present another all ages music session at the Findon Community Centre. On Wednesday 17th of July you can join in the morning session from 10:15 to 10:45 am. This is suited to the younger children in the family. In the afternoon on the same day the older children can register to be involved in one of the two sand art sessions. An activity that children of all ages love. First they peel off layers of paper. This reveals a sticky surface. Next they sprinkle coloured sand on top. In the end they have a lovely complete art work.
Then there is the famous Family Fun Fair at the National Railway Museum. A four day event in Port Adelaide. It’s a must ‘to do’ activity. The children can ride several trains. There’s a load of free children’s entertainment all day. Roving costumed characters and balloon sculpting from Cool 4 Kids. Music concerts for the young ones. Plus there’s heaps more activities to keep everyone busy including face painting. An ideal event for the whole family. Enjoy the July School holidays everyone!